Brinks Omega - Day One

And so it was that on a very mild, bright and sunny Monday morning I left the morning rush hour behind and boarded a very calm, and pretty empty train bound for Norwich.  The Rascal was returning to the Broads.

I was already excited as the first adventure of 2014 was beginning and before long I would be once again cruising the waters of the Norfolk Broads.

I was heading for Barnes Brinkcraft, who I had turned to for something a with a bit of luxury inside and bit of 'bling' as far as style went on t e outside, Brinks Omega would be by home for the next week and upon arriving at the boatyard noticed her moored waiting for me to get onboard.  Alas, she was still being prepared so it was off to Ken's Fish & Chips for - fish and chips, it would appear being a young man in the eat in part of this Wroxham institution on a Monday afternoon was a rare sight - for my fellow diners were, let us say taking full advantage of the OAP special.

Filled up and feeling content it was off to Roys whereupon the boatyard called to say they were ready when I was - so a quick shop 'supermarket sweep' style was undertaken and before long I was plodding towards Barnes Brinkcraft with far too many carrier bags seemingly weighed down with more beer and wine than actual food.  

The hand over was pleasant and Warrick who I had met before took me through the quirks of this particular boat and then a signature was all that was needed before I was once more underway and heading downstream for Horning.  

It only took a few minutes and I was already feeling a million miles away from work and noise and city life and back at home on the water oddly feeling as if I had only been gone a short time not the 4 months it had in fact been.  Omega was is a very comfortable boat, but the one issue was the helmseat - have it so your feet touched the foot rest and it was too low to really see out the windows, have it high enough for a good view of the river and your feet were left dangling.  As the holiday went on I found the bin mad an excellent footrest and wished I had thought of this sooner.  But other than this minor point, the boat was responsive (though its hull shape and high sides meant a slight cross wind had you wandering over the river), quiet underway and very nicely fitted with lovely upholstery, Holly & Teak flooring and a boon of having a large separate shower cubicle in the heads.  

I had not really got a destination in mind - Horning, Ludham Bridge maybe?  I was just cruising along and letting things work themselves out lead more with the time and sunset than anything else.  I got my new handheld radio out and within a short time of so doing suddenly heard the familiar voice of Charlie Griffin on the airwaves.  Unfortunately I could not reply to begin because I had set my radio to scan all channels but it was set to transmit on the wrong one - some fiddling later I was able to figure out what was what and reply, only to find out Broad Ambition was moored at Horning Staithe.

I really can't stress how handy these radio's are, and be it you an owner or hirer getting a pair and having them set on channel 4 (perhaps the unofficial NBF radio channel) will certainly make communicating with other 'ships' a breeze.  As it was there was space at the moorings for me and I was soon alongside.  I popped into the local shop for a few bits I had forgot in my haste in Roys earlier and then it was time to catch up and have a coffee with Griff.  We decided it would be a good idea to head for Salhouse for the night where Macie could stretch her paws and legs and us humans could drink and chat and eat.  So it was we departed for the short journey from Horning to Salhouse Broad.

And that was that - it might have made for a short first day, and equally a short first days Captain's Blog but it was none the less very good to catch up with a good friend and as it would happen for the remainder of the week out paths would cross several more times.   Once back on board Omega unpacked, beds made it was time to fall into a deep sleep which always seem that little bit deeper and more restful afloat than at home.


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