Almost there...

Time I updated on the plan of the forthcoming live stream – Tuesday 23rd April at 3:00pm.

It is unlikely that because of available time, we will make it all the way into Norwich – and we are also uncertain as to what sort of mobile data signal will be available as we head along the Yare.  Of course that is out of our hands, but will mean that things may go offline for sometime before returning, that picture and audio quality may also suffer.  I hope however you will preserve and come along for the virtual journey.

Despite this, we are going to be trailing some new software that will enable to record the live camera feed locally – this can then be used to produce some video footage for use on our You Tube channel at a later date.  We’ve also got a second video camera that will be fixed somewhere at the bow and hopefully will get some good footage from – together with a ‘high mounted’ pan and tilt camera giving an overview – this will need to be lowered going through Yarmouth to save it being whacked by Vauxhall Bridge.

I’ll take this opportunity also to give some exciting news about a forthcoming special – Norfolk Broads LIVE! | Offshore.

Weather permitting, and single allowing, Norfolk Broads LIVE! will be bringing live camera feeds from onboard Broad Ambition – the beautifully restored craft that featured in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on the River Thames – as she joins other craft from the East Coast Boating Forum members on a trip to Southwold from Lowestoft along the east coast.  Updates regarding the times of such will be made as and when – this is a very ‘fluid’ event and very much depends upon weather conditions.


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